Monday, May 30, 2011

Space weather's affection

Q: How does space weather affect Earth?
A: Usually you would think the news would show all weather, but there is space weather that they don't ever talk about even just for fun. Space weather is one of the things that affects our communication, and transportation. So when you are talking to yourself saying, "Dang my phone isn't working as fast as it usually does!" It could be space weather that is disturbing your phone.

The radiation getsblocked form the Earth by Earth's magnetic field. One reason that space weather does not get to touch Earth's ground is because of the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is surroundingg the Earth's magnetic field. Solar wind it the result of the magnetosphere's shape. It drags the night side of the magnetisphere about 1000 times the Earth's radius.

Space weather does not just affect people's stuff on the ground, it also has the affect to harm or damage airplane and ship navigation systems. It can casue power blackouts as well. The ionised particles of a space storm can disturb the magnetism on earth and cause surges of power cables to criss-cross throughout the country.

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