Monday, May 30, 2011

Damage and beautiful sights

Q: How much damage and beautiful sights can space weather cause?
A: For us there isn't much harm done. That's because of  Earth's magnetic field. But to the things inspace like astronnauts, aircraft, and such, the energetic particles are able to damage that sort of stuff. It also shortens their life spans, and destroy their satelights, aircraft and any other things they have up there with them.

You already know that Earth weather can destroy many things on Earth like, homes, disrupt lives, etc. Well space weather has that power in a different way. It damages satalights, affects our communication and power systems, therefore still disrupting our lives.

Space weather is important though. It is important to our national economy because the storms out there can affect our recent, advanced technology that we depend on everyday in life. But space weather can create some beautiful stuff as well. Like the auroras or also known as the northern lights, and night shining clouds.

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